
Key to successful communication: Confidence 

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Posted By Languify

Believing in yourself is confidence; having confidence helps you to fight life’s challenges and overcome them—and prepares you to act accordingly. Being confident means that one has a genuine sense of his/her own capabilities and feels firm about that knowledge. It not only lifts your ambition but also strengthens your goals. It even has an influential impact on the results you encounter.

As the great Henry Ford once said, “If you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.”

Confidence also guides in making a sharp first impression, coping with the pressure, and tackling personal and professional challenges. It’s also an attractive trait, as confidence helps put others at ease.  

Importance of confidence in speaking

Confidence allows you to speak with clarity. When you are calm and focused, you can manage your thoughts better. As your breath comes in at a slow and steady pace, when you speak with confidence, your speech also has that same slow, steady pace. If your thoughts are easily understandable, you leave a positive impact on listeners no matter what topic or aspect you are speaking.

Confidence isn’t a skill like cooking, singing or playing any sport. A skill is something you only have to learn once and then you’ve pretty much got it for the rest of your life. Confidence is an emotion, which helps explain why it wavers at times (or is sometimes absent when you need it the most).

We are not in control of many things in life. But we can control our confidence. Confidence is something that you can develop and manage within yourself.

Tips to build your confidence

  1. Stand up straight.- Standing up straight projects confidence, authority, and poise, while bad posture makes you look unprofessional and disinterested.
  2. Dress for success– When you look good outside, you feel good inside. This helps to boost self-confidence.
  3. Learn how to take a compliment.- When you are given good feedback or praise, listen to it carefully. Don’t become extra excited. Take a deep breath and respond calmly.
  4. Celebrate others’ victories– Don’t get jealous of others’ success, weather your friend or competitor. Try to gain positive out of it and incorporate it to improve yourself.
  5. Seek out feedback- Seek feedback, especially from people who are not in your close circle. Friends may become biased in feedback to boost you up which will not help you to improve.
  6. Surround yourself with the right people.- Follow good public speakers on social media, read books, with YouTube videos which will improve your knowledge and try to use it. 

Languify provides you with great resources, activities, and lessons through which you can learn while having fun. With our completely covered services, you can build each and every skill which will help to build your communication abilities and make you more self-reliant. 

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